A post for a blog is a post in a blog it is not

Mark Truscott, a writer whose work and critical writing I always enjoy and admire posted the following lovely line on his blog:
A thing is a hole in a thing it is not.
Beautiful and mindboggling Timbitonian. It seems the perfect kind of line to create variations on:
A hole is a thing in a hole it is not.
A thought is the absence of a thought it is not.
Consciousness is the absence of a consciousness it is not.
And further afield:
The ground gallops when there is a horse.
In terms of mindblogging, this Autologlyphs website has some totally fascinating word/text explorations, from ambigrams and autologlyphs to the image above for overhead project of a mobius strip text which when projected shows the words "mobius strip" three times, though it's only written one and a half times.
Mark (now wondering whether unattributed quotes are in good taste or ethical)