An Obvious Squirrel to take Along.

aslongasittakes "a magazine of sound poetry," issue two is now available online.
There is sound poetry/audio text art by about a dozen artists including a piece by Gregory Betts and me from our collaborative project "The Obvious Flap," as well as a piece of mine called "The Squirrel of Love," using voice synthesizer. There is also an lovely piece by Adachi Tomoni. You can see a video of the recorded piece here.
Other contributors include: the Atlanta Poets Group (performing a piece by Michael Basinski and some Love Songs by Bruce Andrews ), Michael Basinski, David Braden, Craig Dongoski, Brian Howe , Maja Jantar (alone and with Vincent Tholome), e k rzepka, Larissa Shmailo, and Mathew Timmons (performing a Hugo Ball poem).
Nice work if you can get it, and you can get it if you try.