Indie Literary Market: Lend me your Long arm Stapler and your Buttonmaker

I'm publishing two books for the event. Inverting the Deer, a chapbook of poems, and Punctuation Funnies, some visual work. Working on laying out the books today -- and its been a while since I did this -- I was taken aback by how happy it made me: how making a little book, trying to make it beautiful, surveying one's past work, tweaking a word or two in a poem when it is realized in a new font and layout, thinking about images, book size, paper types, colour, anticipating standing at a table waiting new readers and old friends, wondering if I should, again, sell by books by weight...or perhaps by the weight of the reader, or...
So, if you are in range of Toronto, please consider yourself invited. I don't have a buttonmaker, but I will have a long arm stapler and a coupla new books.