
Showing posts from August, 2010

The universe is a brambledom, for the scarification of ankles

Opinity on Porcupinity

Spew out the Mettal which hath so inqinated and invenom’d both Body and Soul

The Person of the Cow

Then figures

Can't tell the forest for its age

"love that picks its own inversions, its sweet pushmi-pullu": a review of Servants of Dust:

Gabriel Gudding in Toronto: A Workshop...and a Reading ( with Stuart Ross & Gary Barwin)


On Listening to Coleman Hawkins

Planting Consent: Video Recording of a Poem

On the Crossing of Species: Bob de Graaf / On Proxmity

The Paleolithic Imagination, Clayton Eshleman and the Juniper Fuse, Nostagia for the Present
