Entirely Fictional Post
Hi there, Fictitious Blogerati:
Stuart Ross and Kate Sutherland have this great reading series that they've kindly invited me to read at with Maggie Helwig. I've known Maggie for years, but have never had the pleasure of reading with her. She's a novelist, poet, essayist, publisher, and social activist.

Stuart passed this notice along to me:
This Sunday, the Fictitious Reading Series is pleased to present Maggie Helwig and Gary Barwin. We hope you can make it to this very special reading!
And please pass this notice along to anyone else you think might be interested. Thanks!
Sunday, May 27, 7:30 p.m.
This Ain't the Rosedale Library
483 Church St (just below Wellesley).
The FICTITIOUS READING SERIES: An Evening of Nothing but Fiction
Toronto novelist Maggie Helwig (Between Mountains) and Hamilton short fictioneer Gary Barwin (Doctor Weep and Other Strange Teeth) read from their works. This is followed by an onstage chat conducted by Fictitious co-host Stuart Ross.
Pass-the-hat admission goes to the writers.
Snacks and soft drinks are provided, but feel free to bring the beverage of
your choice.
More info at fictitiousreadingseries.com.
Here's a picture from a past reading/discussion with Elyse Friedman, Stuart Ross and Clint Burnham:

I'd be delighted to see you at the reading. I don't think I've every read only fiction (except for kids' readings) so I'm excited for this one.
Stuart Ross and Kate Sutherland have this great reading series that they've kindly invited me to read at with Maggie Helwig. I've known Maggie for years, but have never had the pleasure of reading with her. She's a novelist, poet, essayist, publisher, and social activist.
Stuart passed this notice along to me:
This Sunday, the Fictitious Reading Series is pleased to present Maggie Helwig and Gary Barwin. We hope you can make it to this very special reading!
And please pass this notice along to anyone else you think might be interested. Thanks!
Sunday, May 27, 7:30 p.m.
This Ain't the Rosedale Library
483 Church St (just below Wellesley).
The FICTITIOUS READING SERIES: An Evening of Nothing but Fiction
Toronto novelist Maggie Helwig (Between Mountains) and Hamilton short fictioneer Gary Barwin (Doctor Weep and Other Strange Teeth) read from their works. This is followed by an onstage chat conducted by Fictitious co-host Stuart Ross.
Pass-the-hat admission goes to the writers.
Snacks and soft drinks are provided, but feel free to bring the beverage of
your choice.
More info at fictitiousreadingseries.com.
Here's a picture from a past reading/discussion with Elyse Friedman, Stuart Ross and Clint Burnham:

I'd be delighted to see you at the reading. I don't think I've every read only fiction (except for kids' readings) so I'm excited for this one.