Comedy, capitalism, punctuation, New York City, Twitter, and me: some recent activity

I gave an interview about comedy, capitalism, Civilization, youth culture, social media and writing. This is in advance of my performance at the series, London Open Mic on Feburary 4th in London, Ontario.

I'm reading in New York. The last time I read there I had to wear a turkey hat. (It was the "Literary Death Match.") This time, I'm thrilled to be performing with Geof Huth, Erica Baum, and Richard Kostelanetz at what looks to be a fantastic exhibition of visual poetry, The Future is Here Again: Visual Languagecurated by Nico Vassilakis and Holly Crawford. The performance is on February 5th in New York city. 

I just got my copies of the Best Canadian Poetry of 2014, edited by Sonnet L'Abbé. Sonnet really drew on a wide and interesting range of work to include here and I'm very happy to be included. She chose a piece of mine from Ottawater, "3 Pastorals," a more-or-less visual/glyphic poem.


The Paper Street Journal wrote a review of Hugh Thomas, Craig Conley, and my Franzlations. Nice to hear about readings/readers of the book even a coupla years after it first appeared. Here's how Craig recorded it on his always amazing Abecedarian blog. And thanks James Puntillo for the review.


And there's this kinda hysterical review of a recent reading of mine in Toronto at the Plasticine Poetry series. Thanks, Christian Christian.


Eccentric Scholar said…
Gary, the link to Abecedarian doesn't show up on my end. Is it there for you?
gary barwin said…
Hi Craig,

It's fixed. It had disappeared- just the link of an eye.
gary barwin said…