Moons, Morons, Mormons, Monarchies, Memory, Mortality: Variations On Message

Grindstone Creek in Burlington, Ontario
while waiting for a doctor's appointment,
walking, taking photos with my phone.


a moon is a message to future moons

a moon understands the world by being a moon

the moon is really two moons—or many

it is useful to be a moon, if you are a moon

flight is one way of explaining things

living—and not dying—is another

future moons are the written language of moons

the new moon has the absence of teeth in the old moon’s mouth

shadow exists in the moon dictionary because it is useful

shadow is a moon when it moonlight underwater


a moron is a message to future morons

a moron understands the world by being a moron

the moron is really two morons—or many

it is useful to be a moron, if you are a moron

flight is one way of explaining things

living—and not dying—is another

future morons are the written language of morons

the new moron has the absence of teeth in the old moron’s mouth

shadow exists in the moron dictionary because it is useful

shadow is a moron when it moronic light underwater


a Mormon is a message to future Mormons

a Mormon understands the world by being a Mormon

the Mormon is really two Mormons—or many

it is useful to be a Mormon, if you are a Mormon

flight is one way of explaining things

living—and not dying—is another

future Mormons are the written language of Mormons

the new Mormon has the absence of teeth in the old Mormon’s mouth

shadow exists in the Mormon dictionary because it is useful

shadow is a Mormon when it Mormon light underwater


a Monarchy is a message to future Monarchies

a Monarchy understands the world by being a Monarchy

the Monarchy is really two Monarchies—or many

it is useful to be a Monarchy, if you are a Monarchy

flight is one way of explaining things

living—and not dying—is another

future Monarchies are the written language of Monarchies

the new Monarchy has the absence of teeth in the old Monarchy’s mouth

shadow exists in the Monarchy dictionary because it is useful

a shadow is a Monarchy when it a Monarchy underground


a memory is a message to future memories

a memory understands the world by being a memory

the memory is really two memorys—or many

it is useful to be a memory, if you are a memory

flight is one way of explaining things

living—and not dying—is another

future memories are the written language of memories

a new memory has the absence of teeth in the old memory’s mouth

shadow exists in the memory because it is useful

shadow is a memory when it memory underwater


mortality is a message to future mortals

mortality understands the world by being mortal

mortality is really two mortalities—or many

it is useful to be mortal, if you are mortal

mortality is one way of explaining things

living—and not dying—is another

future mortality is the written language of mortals

the new mortality has the absence of teeth in the old mortal’s mouth

shadow exists in the mortal dictionary because it is useful

shadow is mortal when it is mortal light underwater


a message is a message to future messages

a message understands the world by being a message

the message is really two messages—or many

it is useful to be a message, if you are a message

a message is one way of explaining things

living—and not dying—is another

future messages are the written language of messages

the new message has the absence of teeth in the old message’s mouth

shadow exists in the message dictionary because it is useful

shadow is a message when it a message underwater


Chris said…
Terrific, but you forgot "monophage"!
Anonymous said…
Your poem has got me tripping. I can taste adjectives. Your mind is verbally fractured. I love it.
gary barwin said…
Thanks, Jonny.

I love the idea of tasting adjectives. Are they the condiments of grammar?
Anonymous said…
They're more the sauce you saute a key ingredient in, subtly flavouring the whole