Typing Andy Warhol’s novel, A.

Typing Andy Warhol’s novel, A.

for/after derek beaulieu

Audio composition:
Version 2 (more funky) 

I created this piece based on derek beaulieu's call as Calgary's innovative Poet Laureate. Here what he wrote:

"As Calgary’s Poet Laureate, I invite musicians and performers to create digital sound performances (song, composition, collage, digital, etc) of my #erasingwarhol project.

Posted on twitter at @erasingwarhol are the ongoing manuscript pages of my efforts to erase all the words from Andy Warhol’s 1968 A: a novel, leaving only the fields of punctuation and the sound-effect words. Metro News Calgary discusses the project here.

I invite you to create a sonic interpretation of any piece in that twitter feed, save it online and tweet out your results with the hashtag #erasingwarhol. This is a community-based generative project and every-one is welcome, let’s see where your creativity takes you!"


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