My work on a lamppost on the King William St. Art Walk, Hamilton.

There was a call for visual work for banners on King William St. in Hamilton. I submitted these visual poems entitled "Quantum Punctuation (Speech)." They were selected and will be on display until some time in 2015. They are just across the street from the main police station at the south east corner of King William St and Mary St.

This is my first experience of having work as 'public art.' Interesting to see these images become part of the urban landscape. Perhaps one day, I'll hang around and see if anyone says anything about them. Maybe they'll just say, "Who's that strange guy hanging around listening to everyone?"


Eccentric Scholar said…
So, so, so cool!
gary barwin said…
Thanks, Craig.

There's something so thrilling about seeing one's ideas/markmaking become physical tangible objects-in-the world. As if they were real.