PPS Do You Copy performance: reviewed; news round-up

Tracy Kyncl at The Puritan's Town Crier blog writes about some recent Toronto-areas readings including my performance at the Margaret Christakos-curated  P.P.S. Do You Copy? event exploring the Writing after Conceptual Art exhibition at the Power Plant gallery.

She says some lovely things! It's here.

Also, I'm pleased to announce three things:

One, that two of my images have been selected to be lamppost banners for the King William St. Art Walk.

And two, I'll be E Writer in Residence at the Toronto Public Library for a month in the fall. The E writer position is part of the TPL's Young Voices program. This should be fun.

And lastly, I'll be teaching a creative writing class at Mohawk College again this fall. The course will be Humour Writing. It's always fun since I get to steal the best lines from my favourite comic writers to share with (or pass off as my own) with the students.


Eccentric Scholar said…
Please take lots of photos of the lamppost banners so I can remotely art-walk along with you. :-) Great news report, by the way!
gary barwin said…
Thanks, Craig. I will!