New Flag
clarinets twister a longer way there
bed the gravestones
here’s the ridge at last
I’m earth and book inside
teeth gravel pleasure
birds give away that someone’s not roaring
there’s new hems here
a monkey goes past
no anger but in the beautiful
the horizon in the obscure
the cats call sound a grieving
the groin is never uncertainty
the irony is that Inukshuks have hotels
it struggles but blue snow obscures
it points: the old are up to their biohazard in teeth
others gnawing and exposed
and alone night planets
the board pulled over each mind stuck
insert the other eye here, snowmelt
stars and desperate mice, the calling valleys
pointing at something with a shape
the whole of the hovering ground
everything’s, yes, an invention
the night the army shrouds
in the yard where we pulled up stakes
a half-eaten monopoly feathers
far way, another flap, a rain chant beyond the mall
the tents autumn an in-between
the starved summer a longer knot
the darkness flowers the nation
inevitably, the receding is a quotation
and the quotation shops