The Barwins' Grand Tour

I have just returned from a month long holiday with my family in Ireland, Italy, and England. Here are a few snaps of our trip which was remarkable. Of course, the pictures never capture the lived experience.

View out our cottage window in Milltown Malbay, Co. Claire, Ireland.

In the Mountains of Mourne, Northern Ireland.

View from our B & B near Donegal Town, Co. Donegal, Ireland.

Yeats' grave (He's actually not buried on his side.)

The Grand Canal outside St. Mark's square in Venice taken from up the Campanile

Cafes in the square outside the Pantheon in Rome.

A cottage in St. James' Park in London.

Kenwood House in Hamstead Heath, which my half-asleep son called Hamster Teeth.

My wife standing in the canal in front of our hotel.

Chaucer's grave in Westminster Abbey, London.

The Grand Canal, Venice.

All of my family (except Ryan) in the fields around New Grange neolithic burial mound a little bit north of Dublin. This was after I totalled the rental car by misshifting the standard gear ("You've bent the engine, sir,")

My eldest son, Ryan, writing in his journal on top of the incredible Giant's Causeway at the top of Northern Ireland.

The Barwin's get their picture taken by a very enthusiastic American while walking down to the Causeway.

My sons and I wearing tefillim, my wife, daughter, and assorted Jews in the Jewish Ghetto in Venice. We were jumped by some really nice Orthodox Jews who invited us to wear these phyllacteries. Afterwards, we had vodka. Actually it was quite moving to do this in the ghetto.

We visited with friends and family, saw a ton of galleries, museums, ancient Irish and Roman monuments, tombs, churches, bookstores, cafes, and heard much music. I'll report more as the dust settles.



Razovsky said…
Fantastic photos, Gary. Looks like an incredible and memorable trip. In that Jewish ghetto pic, are your leathers on your right arm? Is that allowed?

gary barwin said…
The guy helping said that since I'm left handed, the tefillim were supposed to be on my other hand, though I always though it was supposed to be nearest the heart, at least symbolically.

I really like the idea that you wind the leather around your hand in the shape of a letter and that you have a box with words in it on your head.

The synagogues in the Ghetto were amazing - there were several, each for a different tradition, Ashkenazi, Sephardi, and Italian which is different again. We couldn't take photos of those, even Ryan with his illicit undercover covert teenager-cam/
functional nomad said…
They are great photos Gary, thanks for posting them. I'm glad, also, to be corrected of the verse on Yeats' grave, which I always thought read:

Cast a pink eye
on Life. On Death
lands a horsefly.

Thanks for the correction!

Anonymous said…
Hi everyone.
To keep your memories of the Jewish Ghetto of Venice fresh, have a look of the website