the backyard seethes with the ravenous whirring of weed whackers
and I’m outside crouched low
listening to the deafening complaints of plants
Yes, I say, I know the complicated road that you were born to hoe
how the crackpot phonecalls of the cocksure house plants tell you only one thing:
selected homes for new conscripts into the brotherhood of the rose
it’s about survival in the garden
and the politics of lawn enforcement
those who don’t believe in this good life will find King Green Grass Riding Mower roving over,
burying them under forever like Rover the dead dog’s bone,
lost and rockbound beneath the broken ground
Yes, I say, it’s the garden of weeding, all over again,
and even the tree of knowledge is in peril
he who weeds, weeds
pruning from the green library
the purple prose in the hymn of a vine
coming through to slaughter with his trick knife
the life of pine
and verse is no better
the scanned creepers of poetry must surrender also
to the complicated kindness of weed whacker and sickle
to the culling of unrequited dreams in the tangled garden
the slow tide of nightfall making the river
happy shades dancing over the clear cut lawn
Actually, a plant replies
as for me and my houseplants,
we get along just fine
sure they phone and we complain
but here in the garden
there’s no great mischief
rather it’s a fine balance between those who have seen the wind
and those who have felt but the cool breeze of the air conditioner
the love of a good warm vent
weeding’s not something that would make us
fall on our knees
if we had knees
our worst fears are the hounds
the runners in the family
careening through the yard
turning our beds into a three dog road
a single evening into a three day night
these excursions through our world after dark are
hardly a recipe for peace
but rather what a body remembers
what of the blind assassins, the hoe and shears,
what of the wars, the critical injuries
the famous last words of flowers?
memory is an involuntary storyteller
the plant tells me, though we try to forget.
weeding is national selection
a small price for growing wild and free on our native land
while inside, the houseplants
are roughing it in the plush of ghosts and carpeting
the world of feather dusters, humidifiers
and encouraging words
I remember once
my friend a tall sunflower was toppled
taken to hospital
ah such a long gurney
one that shall forever be burned in our vines
yes, we see the house plants’ smug crystal stare through the window
but we do not fear their self-assured house calls
the weeding of their masters
we are the music of what happens
we ascend as the rain ascends
we reach as birds
to bring forth the sky
we are difficult roses
the unbridled shrub
we are the noble cabbage
Sadly, this water weight can be easily regained.These facts pushed me to promote an advocacy on fat loss rather than weight loss. There are several reasons that lead me to this advocacy:
Just because I feel sorry for crushing the hearts of so many twinkie lovers out there, I would say this. You can eat junk food, cookies, chips, ice cream, pizza, burgers.... All of those "soul satisfying foods", but it should be in moderation. Anything in excess is never good.
USA Fitness Plan