
Showing posts from 2018

Celan Translaboration

Wilted Vegetables and Hope: two new reviews of NO TV FOR WOODPECKERS

Lillian Allen's new single on which I got to play saxophone!

How much of the air

Nothing the Same, Everything Haunted: a novel-in-progress excerpt

A response to Pasha Malla's "CanLit's Comedy Problem."

Listen to the Farkakte Bird, Bubula. He Has a Story to Tell (a Yiddish for Pirates review)

Watermark: Cootes Paradise, Natural Urban and the Urban Natural Environment.

Refugia: The Ontario Election, the Griffin Prize, Billy-Ray Belcourt, and a poem about rage.


Mud steps and birds: Escarpment as Muse

Anna Akhmatova: Instead of a preface

Two New Chapbooks!

Interviewing Peter Carey

Unicorns and Sinners: 25 years of above/ground press

Reading at Moon Milk!

Art Exhibition: Quantum Typography

New poem: “we make our lives by what we love”


Broken Light (an art exhibition), the Hebrew Alphabet and How Letters Unmake the World