
Showing posts from April, 2014

InterNaPwoWriMover: At lash is all over

signternational one's sigh fits all powered writing mince

Printernational Pwormed Writhing Mulch

Inter Pw Wr Mo: flowerish

International Pwoermd Writing Month:


InterPwoMoNaWri: Aprilke 18

Hinternationaland Pwoermd Writing Month: Redempty

Intentional Pwoermd Writing Month.

Unicorn Sonnet without guns, cats, laser eyes, or rainbows

Two musical settings of the same poem from Moon Baboon Canoe

IInntteerrNNaaPpwwooWwrriiMmo: April 11: Can'ticles

UniVersPwoWriMo: invisntible

InterNaPwoWriMo: reuniverse

AnterNaPwoWriMst: Ampersonate

InterNaPwoWriMoonst: Skyst

InterNaPwoWriMnop: middle kindom

InterNaPwoWriMon 6: Tinny Perfictions

InterNaPwoWriMo 5: chthonlit

InterPwWriMo 4: Psychlint

Oursonata: Ursonatathingallurtogetheruratonce.

InterNaPwoWriMo 3: wripples in oughter: the suture tense

InterNaPwoWriMo 2014: Ghostalgia for Earlier Times

InterNaPwoWriMo 2014: We paint with words that aint.