Is John Ashbery part of the universe that isn't Garfield?
P. Szren has created a Poemic Strip anthology. Poemic strips combine, according to PSzren, the arts of comics and poetry. Imagine the speech balloons of Charlie Brown coming from a thousand-headed John Ashbery while the part of the universe that isn't Garfield slowly embriars dark cherry like a Meershaum pipe smoked by spacetime's celestial and supercluster- toothed maw.The authors in the anthology: ainur, A. Litowczak, Andy Martrich, Aurelia Milach, Daniela Gallardo Zderich, Gary Barwin, Jim Andrews, Jonny Gray, Lanny Quarles, Lucie Haškovcová, Márton Koppány, Neide Dias de Sá, Nina Roos, o. thomas, PSzren, saniismail, Satu Kaikkonen, telomateo, Tim Gaze, and Weronika Barott.
The anthology itself: