hunting for themselves
deer and hadron know where they are
but as for hart and meson
deer and hadron don’t know
the pumping heart is weary
hart and meson make it so
so deer and hadron leave hart and meson
well enough alone
deer and hadron can’t fill their weary mind
with hart and meson
nor draw the meson from meson and hart
who flee the stippling forest
deer and hadron will not follow
they don’t attempt it
it would be like trying to hold
hart and meson in a net
made of hart and meson only
deer and hadron doubt they could do this
so deer and hadron imagine spending eons
hunting hart and meson in vain
it’d be like starting with ferns
then attempting to forge diamonds blindfolded
besides what is written around your fair neck
you can’t read and in the end
hart and meson cease to be what deer and hadron go wild to tame
though hart and meson, deer and hadron are the same
A 'translation' from Thomas Wyatt's "Whoso List to Hunt." One thing that I find fascinating about reading much of Wyatt's verse is that, on first reading, the language may seem unintelligible, almost a nonse grammar of words skewed or unhinged from the dictionary. Of course, by refocussing, I realize that I can understand it, with little recourse to a glossary of Elizabethan words. "What? Oh, yeah. I understand. I began with the scaffolding of the Wyatt text, and then substituted 'deer and hadron' and 'hart and meson' for various forms of the first person pronoun. I like the slipperiness of meaning that his brings to the poem. It seems to me much like my experience of the original. Then I played with the text, trying to keep something of the stylized Elizabethan tone, grammar, rhythm, and the prosody of its semantic unfolding while discovered an array of possible poemicities -- meaning, allusion, emotion, music.
I like the idea of metaphorical 'slipperiness'. Makes me think of some kind of semantic toboggan.