a crutch, haiku, small apes and white feet

moon drifts in cloud
I’ve half a mind
to borrow
a small ape
(adapted from Shiki)
what does the man next door do
with his two perfect
(adapted from Basho)
the moon is following me
so am I
I will gaze at the moon
until it worries
about me
(adapted from Zeami)
the snap of a butterfly
a book
beneath my feet
a pleasant crackling of bones
as I walk
pursued by no-one
since my house burned down
I plug the television
into the ground
(adapted Massahide)
what does the man next door do
with one perfect
(adapted from Basho)
no one goes down it,
Bathurst Street.
(after Basho)
The departing spring
with the men of Toronto
I have lamented.
(after Basho)
I go,
you stay;
two Torontos.
(after Buson)
White blossoms of the pear
and a woman in Toronto
reading a letter.
(after Buson)
Blown from the west
fallen leaves gather
in Toronto.
(after Buson)
With my father
I would watch dawn
over Toronto.
(after Issa)
Once, a fear pierced him
in that he mistook his shadow
for that of the CN tower.
(after Stevens)
I’ve half a mind
to borrow
(adapted from Shiki)
what would Toronto do
with two perfect
(adapted from Basho)
I will gaze at Toronto
until it worries
about me
(adapted from Zeami)
a pleasant crackling of bones
as I walk
pursued by Toronto
since the trees burned down
I plug Toronto
into the ground
(adapted Massahide)
what does the man next door do
with a perfect
(adapted from Basho)
I can see the barn
Moon's gone down
I can see the barn
(after Masahide)
I want to see the moon.
Gary, may I borrow
your barn?
(after Masahide)
nothing left but the barn
blazing at the back of the brain
hey, hugh
lend me your barn
I've a barn door
a horse just bolted from
I'd like to keep
the moon outsized