All Shall Be Well with Spongebog Squarepant and Julian of Norwich.
The Yiddish scholar Eddie Portnoy posted a Yiddish translation of the Spongebob Squarepants theme song. There's something so delightfully intriguing in this seeming mismatch. Spongebob Squarepants translates as "ShvomBob Kvadrat-Hoyzn." Amazing. Immediately, this felt somehow poetic to me. Robert Bly speaks of "Leaping Poetry." When a poem "leaps" it makes “a long floating leap from the conscious to the unconscious and back again, a leap from the known part of the mind to the unknown part and back to the known.” From Yiddish and the historical world of my ancestors to Spongebob. From one part of culture to the other. Not bathos -- where the poem or image just sinks into ridiculousness, or at least, a ridiculousness which doesn't also engage with some kind of metaphysical or cultural absurdity, fusing high and low, connecting various parts of our imagination, consciousness and psyche. I feel this phenomenon when two epistemologies are connected or made adjacent. So Spongebob's umwelt experience of Bikini Bottom with the world of Yiddish, historical Jewish culture, mysticism, learning, etc. (Of course, there are plenty of examples of Yiddish popular culture which isn't metaphysical, just as bawdy, silly, commodified, pandering and so on, but for me, my first association is with the old world and my imaginative sense of scholars, mystics, wise everyday people filled with sayings, deep humour and approaching the complexity, difficult, persecution, travails and profound joys of their life. Some of this I got from spending time with my Yiddish-speaking grandfather and his evocation of the tradition which he imagined and aspired to.