The Fish Species of Hamilton, Ontario Find their Names in Steam
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Photo of Cootes' Paradise by Doug Worrall |
The Fish Species of Hamilton, Ontario find their names in Steam
after "SAUNA 89" (from Erin Moure’s Kapusta)
and if mooneye were to leave spotfin shiner for brassy
minnow’s faults
quillback would not defend the spottail shiner’s lameness,
walking halt
and from northern hognose sucker’s trust, stonecat would elide
your muskellunge,
mudminnow would not do rainbow smelt wrong and speak of burbot
and (banded killifish) brook silverside’d not look at mottle
sculpin’s bluegills who say least darker do es not merit logperch
your blackside darter was sweet and is no more
least darter will not speak of pumpkinseed
nor will brown bullhead walk again where grass pickerel once walked
brook stickleback will not let tadpole madtom’s green sunfish
evoke trout-perch’s rosyface shiner
mimic shiner’s finescale dace will not be named by creek chub,
lest american brook lamprey profane
alewife will not name gizzard shad
striped shiner gone, emerald shiner could not love northern
redbelly dace more than freshwater drum
and if logperch love johnny darter not at all, walleye love white
crapple even less
but oh iowa darter’s blackside darter
channel catfish will not touch white bass’s sand shiner
bowfin will not (shh: trout) brown trout lake trout
In this poem, I took Erin Moure's "Sauna 89" from her new book, Kapusta and replaced each noun (and pronoun) with the name of a fish species found in Hamilton, Ontario. The list is courtesy of the Hamilton Naturalists' Club and their Natural Areas Inventory.