Shackled Letters & the Death of A

Shackled Letters and the Death of A

Trees are their own destination.




"If one part of a chained R is probed out, later parts may follow." —Sigmund Koch, Psychology: A Study of a Science, p. 218
Jeff said…
If "trees are their own destination," therefore, "I think I am" must refer also to the trunk, and not just the leaves. Or am I even making any sense here?
Gary, I had meant to mention that "Trees Are Their Own Destination" is sublime.

Jeff, your words evoke the "truncated clouds" of solar physics.
gary barwin said…
Craig & Jeff,

Thanks for your comments. Craig, I must follow up on the chained R reference. Fascinating.

Jeff, I see your point. I was imagining that the branches represented the growing of the tree, the destination, the becoming its own destinationness of the tree.

Of course, as Shakespeare said, "I think therefore iamb."

troylloyd said…
i love the notepad picture posts.

is that a Rhodia Bloc notepad yr using?
gary barwin said…
Hey Troy,

It's a Moleskin notebook. I do have a notebook fixation & carry it around with me everywhere to record ideas, doodles, lists of things to do, and other miscellaneous squibs, squirts, and squabs. Small books are lovely things too.

I like to see handwriting and drawings too. When music notation software became widely available & easy to use, composers stopped handwriting scores, which meant a lot of pleasing tactility went out of the visual representation of their music. Not to mention discussions of nibs, pencils, and various manuscript papers.
Anonymous said…
Are you sure it wasn't the death of Ã…?

gary barwin said…

Which reminds of that joke: a scientist and her husband are driving in the country. They pass a field of sheep all grazing perpendicularly to the road.

Husband: "Oh, look at the sheep. They have been all shorn."

Scientist: "At least this side of them have."


I wish Engliah had more diacritics. Something to make our spelling less obvious.